큐베이스3 버전까지 열심히 작업해주던 H2O팀이 잡혀가서(?) 어둠의 경로로 종적을 감추웠던 큐베이스.. 윈도우에서는 큐베이스가 작업하기가 좋다고 하네요~~
한번씩 토렌트 사이트 다니면서 어떤게 릴리즈 되었나 눈팅하고 있는데.. 앵? 옹? CUBASE 5.1버전이 릴리즈 되어 있는 겁니다..@_@;;?? 그것도 올린날 발견했다는..ㅋ(10월20일에 올라왔었죠)
CUBASE3 H2O 버전이후로 여러 버전들이 등장했지만 불안정과 잦은 오류로 사람들이 사용하지 않았는데, 이번 버전은 Air라는 팀이 제작했나보더군요 -_-ㅋ
재밌는 게 이걸 제작하게된 이야기를 인터뷰 형식으로 올려놨네요(험한 단어가 있네요..ㅋ)
Q: Is it true that AiR got millions of dollars from Steinberg for not releasing new crackz? A: No – we only got a blowjob per day! But we collected all the conspiration-theories we found all over the internet during the last years and well sell it now to hollywood for the next James Bond production for at least 1 billion!
Q: But we had to wait so damn long for this release – Why? A: The amount of time to analyze and reverse the current syncrosoft implementation was just that high. Think about it like this: around 25 of the program code is MCFACT protected and therefore protection-related. As you can imagine the effort to analyze and reverse such a target is incredibly high. This time it took us almost 4000 man hours to emulate the little beast!
Q: Will it work with the 64bit version? Are there plans to make a release of the 64bit version? A: No and No! Nevertheless it will perfectly work as a 32bit application on a 64bit OS like Windows7.
Q: Who the f**k is Gouda? A: One of the two heads behind all the previous syncrosoft emulations. This is my kind of get well soon greetings to you brother! If you really have to leave this world that young it would definitely be the end of an era! It has always been a pleasure to work with you (well DELPHI still suxx) and I really wish we could have done this project together too!
Q: What do you you think about peace-out? A: Bunch of wannabe crackerz. None of their current releases work properly. They dont even understand the basics of the protection. Were happy to see other groups giving it a go if those other groups can produce quality. We dont see that with peace-out, really they should leave the big boys pool and go play with the toddlers.
Q: What do you think of open forums who spread AiRs internal work without respect and before the time? A: f**k you!
확인해본 결과 아직까지 큰문제는 없습니다(큐베이스5 자체가 3보단 안정성면에서 떨어진다고 들었습니다) 윈도우 7 , 64비트에서도 구동이 잘된다고 하네요. 큐베이스 새로운 버전에 목 말랐던 분들 어서가서 확인해보세요!!(토렌트 사용하셔야합니다)